The Importance of Basic Trading Tools - Like the Venerable Trend Line

Importance of online trading tools

Trading at different exchanges has never been without glitches. It has made a lot of billionaires, as well as bringing many rich people onto roads. It used to be much more difficult in past, one of the most challenging problems was inability of the stock traders to make up something useful of the information generated on per second basis from the ongoing trade. This not only slowed down the trading activity, but also resulted into huge losses. Not all the traders were in a position to make the right decisions at the right time.

Online trading tools have revolutionized the industry; it has made a real difference in the investors earning ability. At the beginning when these tools came into existence, many critics were concerned about their ability to make any impact on the way online trade was carried out. The most important challenge to tackle was that these trading tools were fed into and they didn’t do any real time processing. It compromised the ability to make contributions in active trades by the traders. Now, the new tools have changed the trend for good. These tools are connected with the stock exchange.

They provide us with not only real time analysis but also help us extrapolate the trends. This extrapolation enables traders to reasonably set foot into stocks and commodities by knowing what to expect. This ability to recognize trends going on gives more informed decisions to the traders and helps them maximize profits or minimize losses. Some of the examples of most frequently used online trading tools include Moving Average, Bollinger bands, Head and Shoulders Formation. Someone might disagree with the usage of these online trading tools, but it is better to learn at some cost, instead of paying the cost daily for not being a learnt one.

Saturday 16 October 2010

Most Active Free & Open-Source Projects

ActiveQuant A java financial library and a trading application framework.
Advanced Stock Tracker Web based application to keep track of stocks.
ASM Santa Fe Institute "Artificial Stock Market" simulation model.
BeanCounter Perl module. Stock market data analysis and performance evaluation. Both current and historical data can be retrieved and stored in an SQL database.
BlogTrader Platform built on java. Pluggable architecture for custom indicators and charts.
Finance::Quote Perl module to retrieve market data from Australia, USA, Canada, Europe, and a number of managed funds.
Finance::QuoteHist Perl modules that fetch historical stock prices from the web.
EclipseTrader Stock trading system including Level II/Market view depth. Written in Java run on Eclipse
GeniusTrader Perl toolbox to create and back test trading systems.
iTrade Charting and trading system written in Python. Investment and Trading System Documentation Project.
Lidgren Charting with TA indicators. Written in Java
Merchant of Venice Stock market trading application with portfolio management, charting and genetic algorithm.
MAS Market Analysis System (MAS). Analysis using technical analysis, charting, and automated batch processing of market data.
MATLAB Toolbox Open-source MATLAB tools for mechanical trading.
NexTick Open-source daytrader tool focusing on usability and simplicity. Java base.
OJTS Open Java Trading System.
QTStalker Charting package using the portable QT Library.
QuantLib Software framework for quantitative finance.
QuickFIX C++ FIX (Financial Information eXchange) engine.
Robot Trader Framework for back testing written in Java.
SMTM Perl/Tk ticker, profit/loss calculator, and chart tool. Provides also: rquantlib, yahooquote and beancounter. Technical Analysis Documentation and Forum Project
TA-Lib A technical analysis software library for software engineer. A free online trading community. Back test and optionally share strategies with others.
TsInvest Computes the optimal gains of multiple equity investments.
XMLWorks MarketAlert + Perl utility like "Reorder" price columns in ASCII files or generate point and figure in html.
XTrader Charting software. Contains portfolio module. Linux and Windows.

Technical Analysis - Abandoned or Less Active Projects
Avidus Charting, tech. analysis and trading strategy platform./td>
CapitalReSources Manage and display market data (windows or web), use and define technical indicators, optimize trade systems
FFTS Finicky Financial Trading System. Trading and risk management system.
FreeMarket Was planned to be an analysis platform mainly build around a server architecture.
Gstockcalc Calculates losses and earnings and can display a 30 day chart for each stock.
gChartMan Charting software
GreatCharts Draw charts: Candlestick, OHLC + functions like MAC, Stochastic, RSI, etc.
GStalker Technical analysis charting package for GNOME
LibStocks C library which can be used to fetch stocks quotes.
Nevada An investment analysis and risk analysis system, especially geared towards hedge fund operators and fund-of-funds managers.
Octopus C++ Framework for evaluating position sizing, placement of stop-loss limits and usage of trailing profit stops. See also MaWaTT Trading Toolkit
ProfitPy Python trading app. Works with Interactive Broker.
Risk Quantify Support trading, risk management, accounting, and settling of FX, Interest Rate and Equity derivatives
ShareWatch Written in Python, keep you up to date with share and derivative prices.
vtxboerse Capture the rates of stocks from teletext in a MySQL database.
SlimFIX Java implementation of the Financial Information Exchange (FIX) Protocol

Technical Analysis - Some Commercial Software

AnalyzerXL Excel Add-Ins: TA functions, neural net, option&stock data downloader...
APT Portfolio analytics and optimization
Ashkon Software Data Downloader, Ticker Bar, back testing and charting apps
BNB-Software Application for evaluation of business or portfolio performance.
Dukascopy Currency (FOREX) Trading Platform
Equis Home of the popular Metastock development platform.
ESQuotes Data downloader for Excel
QCollector A data collection tool that works with a href="">
LinuxTrade Get access to real time quotes, charts , time and sales, fundamental and TA indicators, market movers, news articles, alerts, and Level 2 market depth indications.
MarketStream M3 Market Data Server provides stock, index, future, option market data along with historical data and news databases. /td>
Modulus Financial Engineering Tech. analysis lib for Windows/MAC/UNIX with C++, Java, Excel, VB, COM/ActiveX interface (and more). StockChartX, TA-SDK, Data Manager etc.
Nirvana Systems Trading Applications: OmniTrader, VisualTrader and SignalWatch
PACT Consulting SDK for myTrack to add live financial data to your applications.
Portfolio Insight Help uncover hidden risks and opportunities in stock portfolios
SmartQuant Offer data management, technical analysis, C++ scripting using CINT. Neural networking and portfolio management. Offer also the product QuantStudio.
Thinking Stuff Automated trading platform. Build strategies by selecting and adapting rules with mouse clicks instead of using a script language. Supports Oanda.
TradingApp C/C++ back-testing and execution framework.
TradeStation A popular platform. Home of the "EasyLanguage" for developing trading systems.
Wealth-Lab Develop and test your trading systems, and explore strategies contributed by other members. They rank submitted trading systems monthly, so you see which strategies are working best.